What is Hollywood’s fascination with small town movies and shows? To that end, what is our (the viewer’s) fascination with small town movies and shows?
Is it a familiarity we feel when watching? A connection with the characters? The hope and comfort that a small town can bring? It could be any number of these things. But, the idea of a place where everyone knows one another, and will pitch in to help you no matter what – is a concept that is comforting to most people, even if it’s not your current way of life.
That’s why My Town wanted to share with you our My Town Movie Reviews. A place to give ideas and perspectives of movies and shows encompassing what you love most about small town culture. And is another way for My Town to share our love of Small Town Content with you!

Small Town Culture Resonates With Viewers
Yes, small town living has its advantages and disadvantages just like living in the city. But, I find it interesting how many shows are out there depicting the “ideal” small town setting, the somewhat quirky nature of its residents, and of course a boy gets girl or a save the town scenario! Not to mention a hefty focus on small business, family, and involvement in the community. All values many individuals share and cherish.
Small Town Movies Will Keep Coming
Of course from an economics perspective, it makes sense that there are a large number of movies with these themes being produced. This is simply because people watch. Viewers across the country don’t just identify with small town characters, they want to watch something that makes them feel good. They want to know that places exist where people still take time to say hello and have you over for dinner. I personally have always resonated with the “can do” attitudes of characters in small town shows. I find myself dreaming up scenarios and being inspired, while watching someone accomplish a good deed for someone or for their community.
Continuing To Share Small Town Content
In any event, our love of small town movies and shows is not changing. Which means the concept will continue to thrive- I think Hallmark Channel alone proves that!
I hope you enjoy the movies My Town shares on this page. Movies that show a love of small town culture and values and are also safe for the entire family to watch. There will also be movies that were filmed in actual small towns that will have a follow-up component.
Continue to follow My Town as we dive deeper this year into small town culture and values; discovering what we love while visiting the real-life small towns of the U.S. – whether it’s in a small town movie or not! 😄 @mytowntravels